Episode 51: Scott Johnson Visits – We Talk Legacy & More

Corellian Run Radio show

Summary: <br> <br> Deirdre and Carla are joined this week by none other than <a href="http://frogpants.com/">Scott Johnson</a>.   Many of you will know Scott from his podcast, "<a href="http://theinstance.net/tor/">The Instance</a>", but Scott is not only a gamer and podcaster, he is an artist as well.   They discuss the Legacy and much more!<br> <br> FACT OR FICTION: Can you pick out the true fact? This week’s fact or fiction talks about stackable companion gifts, reverse engineering end-game items and loot drops taking group composition into consideration in Update 1.2.<br> <br> More Episode #51 and Comments after the jump…<br> <br> FROM THE NEWSNET &amp; BEYOND: Roundup of the most important announcements and news.<br> <br> * Dev Tracker posts:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/blog/dev-tracker-summary-march-5th-2012-%E2%80%93-march-13th-2012">http://www.swtor.com/blog/dev-tracker-summary-march-5th-2012-%E2%80%93-march-13th-2012</a><br> * 1.2 on the PTR:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120316">http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120316</a><br> * Your Saga Continues in 1.2:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120316">http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120316</a><br> * Community Q&amp;A:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-march-16th-2012">http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-march-16th-2012</a><br> * Weekly patch:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/blog/weekly-patch-notes-update-march-16th-2012">http://www.swtor.com/blog/weekly-patch-notes-update-march-16th-2012</a><br> * Personal Playtime discussion.<br> <br> QUICK MENTIONS:<br> <br> * Scheduled Maintenance 3/20:  <a href="http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-march-20th-2012">http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-march-20th-2012</a><br> * Holonet Links  - <a href="../2012/03/15/holonet-links-37/">http://corellianrun.com/2012/03/15/holonet-links-37/</a><br> * Force Lore: The Jedi and The Sith, Part 1 - <a href="../2012/03/14/force-lore-the-jedi-and-the-sith-part-1/">http://corellianrun.com/2012/03/14/force-lore-the-jedi-and-the-sith-part-1/</a><br> * My Two Credits:  The Gaming Stigma - <a href="../2012/03/13/my-two-credits-the-gaming-stigma/">http://corellianrun.com/2012/03/13/my-two-credits-the-gaming-stigma/</a><br> * Guild Checkpoint (Imperial Guard) - <a href="../2012/03/12/guild-checkpoint-35/">http://corellianrun.com/2012/03/12/guild-checkpoint-35/</a><br> <br>  <br> <br> SITH OR JEDI:   The Case of the Crazy Clown<br> <br> You're at a bar in a rockin' city, enjoying your beer and the great music and atmosphere when a guy in rodeo clown makeup sits next to you at the bar.  He sits pretty close but you think nothing of it and you place an order for another beer and a sandwich.  The beer comes first but before you can take a swig, the rodeo clown gently grabs it and lifts it to his mouth, taking a juicy swig.  While this irritates you, you think nothing of it, maybe he ordered a beer at the same time.  Your sandwich comes next and while you're talking to your friend, you spy out of the corner of your eye, the rodeo clown using one finger to pull the sandwich plate to himself.  You quickly pull the plate back resulting in the rodeo clown reaching down and not so gently grabbing your poor sandwich, bringing it to his mouth and taking a hearty bite out of it.  You:<br> <br> * Shake your head and just give the man your sandwich.  Maybe he's poor and hungry.<br> * Tell him that you're upset with him, notify the barkeep and have him thrown out.<br> * Make sure he gets a really good bite of that sandwich by following it up with a fist to the mouth.<br> <br>  <br> <br> COMMUNITY BUZZ:<br> <br> Legacy:   Do you like where BioWare is going with the Legacy program?    Do you think the making people play the opposite faction on the same server will present issues for guilds?