Mind Set Daily - April 16, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "The Science of PSAs - Do Anti-Drug Ads Work?" The government has poured hundreds of millions of dollars a year into buying ad spots for anti-drug propaganda. But does it work? some have any suggested for some kids, seeing anti-drug ads makes them curious about what doing drugs would be like, even if they had never had that curiosity before. Even without heavy-handed ad campaigns and public service annoucements, convincing kids not to do drugs is a tricky beast. Do public service announcements of Anti-Drug Ads Keep Kids Off Drugs? Well from the science and market research conducted I would just say no, just think about it... Find out more on this story by listening to this episode! Link: The Science of PSAs - Do Anti-Drug Ads Work? Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate