Meagan McCrary - Pick Your Yoga Practice

The Revolution Of Health™ show

Summary: Welcome to Everything Yoga: Smart, Simple & Straightforward with your host Meagan McCrary, giving yoga a real voice from a practical perspective. L.A.-based yoga teacher and freelance writer, Meagan McCrary has immersed herself in the American yoga scene, taking classes, researching and interviewing prominent teachers for her upcoming book, “Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga” (New World Library, 2014). Last Thursday's podcast featured a personal interview with Beryl Bender Birch, the author of "Power Yoga."  Today, Meagan follows up on a critical point Birch touched upon: The importance of attending a basics or introductory course before throwing yourself into a full-blown Power Yoga or Vinyasa Flow class. She'll explain why having a strong foundation is essential to a lasting yoga practice and the importance of biomechanically sound alignment. Drawing from her experiences teaching at Equinox, and what she sees going on in the yoga studio, Meagan will offer examples of how your yoga practice can actually cuase more harm than good when you don't know what your doing, and why "good alignment is good therapy." To connect with her visit: and please feel free to message Meagan with any questions or topics you'd like to see covered concerning yoga, and she'll do her best to address them on the show.