Mosaic News - 08/08/12: World News From The Middle East [VIDEO]

Mosaic: World News From The Middle East show

Summary: <p>Egypt responds to deadly attack with air strikes on "terrorists" in Sinai, Syria's regime and armed opposition claim control of Aleppo's Salaheddin, thousands of Saudis demand retribution for slain activist, and more.</p><br><br>Egypt responds to deadly attack with air strikes on 'terrorists' in Sinai<br>Dubai TV, UAE<br><br>Syria's regime and armed opposition claim control of Aleppo's Salaheddin<br>BBC Arabic, UK<br><br>US-Qaeda alliance in Syria to focus on toppling Assad regime<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Ahmadinejad: Diplomacy is the only way to solve the Syrian crisis<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Jordanian king discusses remaining options for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Three killed in bomb attack against US-led forces in Afghanistan<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Gun violence continues in US with Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Thousands of Saudis demand retribution for slain activist<br>Al-Alam, Iran<br><br>UNICEF urges South Sudan to improve health care as child mortality rates soar<br>Al Jazeera, Qatar<br><br>Israel seizes Islamic endowment land for settlements<br>Palestine TV, Ramallah<br><br>