Texas Straight Talk: Moving Toward War in Syria (8/6/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: In this week's <a href="http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=2002%3Amoving-toward-war-in-syria&amp;catid=64%3A2012-texas-straight-talk&amp;Itemid=1&amp;Itemid=69">Texas Straight Talk</a> report, Congressman Ron Paul rails against the Congress' never-ending appetite for intervention abroad, after the House passed additional sanctions against Iran and Syria last week. While the American people have grown weary of the constant wars, Washington is absolutely tone-deaf. This shouldn't surprise us, as both parties' have an interest in pointing to progress in the area of the foreign policy (as if they're getting something done in DC). The truth is: the military is a grand federal jobs plan! The armed forces work in the area of 'national security' seems so much more legitimate than hiring people to dig holes, and then hiring more people to come along and fill them back up! Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxNnYrVgUpg">RonPaul2008dotcom</a>.