IGN UK Podcast #181: Spontaneously Combusting in Your Ears

IGN Games Podcasts show

Summary: This week the IGN UK crew endeavour to sort the wheat from the chafe in terms of Xbox 720 rumours. Will it always be on? Can it detect your eyes? Will it be backwards compatible? To be honest, your guess is as good as ours, but we sure had fun speculating about it. Alex, Chris, Rich and Stu also examine two of 2013’s biggest sci-fi flicks in the shape of Oblivion and Elysium, talk Dark Souls 2 and Far Cry 3, and find out just what is missing from Zack Snyder’s forthcoming superhero reboot Man of Steel. And if that weren’t enough, we also review the latest film and game releases and discuss the dangers of spontaneous combustion. So get downloading and listening to the best IGN UK podcast you’ll hear this week.