4PP 312: The Voxophone Show

4Player Podcast show

Summary: Nolan is addicted. Addicted to a drug called Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT for short). Batman is set to make another big splash later this year on both consoles and handhelds and Far Cry 3 is having an identity crisis (in a good way). If you have finished Bioshock Infinite, stick around for the 3rd segment in which we have a spoilerific discussion of the games ending. But lets face it, if Bioshock taught us anything, its that you are going to listen... even if you don't. **Please excuse the temporary inconsistency of audio quality. We have introduced a new setup in our recording room and we are still experimenting to find the proper mic setup. We will be continuing to add new furniture and equipment in the coming weeks until its perfect. Please leave any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!** Podcast 312 - [download] [podcast]http://4playernetwork.com/podcasts/4pp/312-04.09.2013.mp3[/podcast] Discussion: Battleblock Theater Evoland Trouble in Terrorist Town Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Bioshock Infinite (Spoiler Cast Starts at 2:10:30) Batman Arkham Origins/Blackgate Announcement Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Lucas Arts Closure Link Dump: Help Support 4Player Network by Subscribing Chatter of the Week - To be considered for Chatter of the Week, please email NolanHedstrom@4playernetwork.com. Include "Chatter of the Week" in the subject line and include your Top 5 games of all time, your greatest gaming achievement, and your shameful secret. Follow us on Twitter Fan us on Facebook Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!