Episode #151 – Social Feedback Strategy and Adwords Landing Pages

The Lifestyle Business Podcast - All About Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle Design, Travel, Cashflow and Business Development show

Summary: Dan and Ian are coming at you from Italy this week with inspiration from the stately statues designed in Ian’s likeness.  The fellas have chiseled out their incredibly effective strategy for testing and launching physical products and will lay out the simple system for you in this episode.  Their method is an upgrade on Tim Ferriss’ ever famous Adwords traffic to a test landing page strategy.  You may need to have a seat for this episode because you’ll be empowered to think of how you can implement the strategy with your business. Who Needs Social Feedback?  You Do. What the social feedback strategy is and how you can leverage it to test product ideas. The product types that Adwords is still highly useful for and the types that are less attractive now-a-days. The two pivot points from the Adwords landing page approach that amplify your business’ potential. How to use a WIIFM proposal and GAS to drive potential customers to your offering. Mentions: Seth Godin – Meatball Sundae (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link) Tim Ferriss – Four Hour Work Week (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link) Eric Ries – The Lean Startup (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link) Jay Mohr – Mohr Stories Podcast Dave Huss – Ecommerce Double Log My Calls 4th Dimensional Copywriting – Tropical Talk Radio Episode #22 Geoffrey Moore – Crossing the Chasm (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link) Brendan Tully – The Search Engine Shop Pat Flynn – Smart Passive Income Kickstarter Just The Tips Jodi Ettenberg – Legal Nomads (@LegalNomads) Camera + App The Jam “Slow Animals” – Strokes Get Your Voice On The LBP Leave us a message. It’s easy to do, just attach a simple .mp3 recording to the email. Have fun. Leave a comment. Go make it happen! Episode length: 24:04 Download options: If you want to download the audio, you can sync with the iTunes store Android, Apple, Palm & other listeners can listen on Stitcher Radio Or right-click here for a direct download. If you’ve found the podcast at all helpful or entertaining, we’d love if you could click over to our iTunes page and give us a positive review or visit Stitcher radio and give us the good ol’ Thumbs Up. This will help us to get more listeners and invest more in the podcast! If you know some ways we can make it better, please send us an email: Dan at lifestyle business podcast . com.