Video S2 #5 - You Don’t Have to Go on Safari to Pick-up the Italian Vocabulary to Talk About it!

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Summary: Learn Italian with! You are finally in Italy, and while others might be happy with "normal" sightseeing tours, you want to experience EVERYTHING Italy has to offer! On today's agenda - the zoo in Italy! You can't wait to see how different the zoo might be from the one back home you have seen since you were two. As you walk through the zoo, you overhear people chatting about the animals in Italian. A lady looking at the monkeys says excitedly in Italian, "Look honey! The monkeys are eating ants with a stick!" You rush over to the monkeys; you have only seen them use tools on TV! How exciting! Moments later, you hear a man telling his son in Italian, "Look at what that baby elephant is doing!" Excited to see something new again (and feeling a little like a kid again), you rush to the elephants where you see the baby throwing dirt all around him. How cute is that? Throughout the day, you witness amazing things from wild animals that you have never seen before! And none of this would be possible if you hadn't learned Italian. This was definitely a great idea! Good thing you came prepared! Learning Italian with is the most fun and effective way to learn Italian! This Italian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you the Italian vocabulary to talk about safari animals. Whether it's to enrich your vacation or to tell the police where the black rhinoceros hit your car, this video lesson is sure to help you tame the wild beast...well, at least the vocabulary for it! In this Italian vocabulary video, you will learn Italian by watching the video, seeing both English and Italian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Italian translations being read aloud by our native Italian speakers. Visit us at where you will find many more great Italian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!