Alexi Lalas: From an Evolving MLS to a More Pragmatic Klinsmann

Beyond The Pitch show

Summary: On the heels of two very important derby matches in Europe, former US National Team defender and ESPN commentator Alexi Lalas joins us to talk Manchester United on the verge of yet another title, American ownership of Premier League clubs and a nostalgic look back at the massive upset that was Padova Calcio over a superstar AC Milan team sheet in 1994. We also examine the real and tangibly improving evolution of MLS since 1996 and the pragmatic turn that US National Team coach Jurgen Klinsmann has taken with his approach. This is an episode where we talk football not just from the point of where titles are being determined today, but also as a catalyst to measure the real and serious progress of Major League Soccer and trying to uncover why the American game is being graded on a much different curve and why fans and critics tend to be much harder on technical and quality standards than across other leagues around the world. Also in focus here is the emerging story that is becoming Seattle Sounders, how the bigger picture of the MLS business model appears to be evolving in recent years and whether the US National Team is running into some limitations in its player pool when compared to the 2009 Confederations Cup team of a cycle ago.