The Real Deal - Digging Beneath the Headlines to Exploit Opportunity

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: We’re big fans of looking for clues in the news to help us gauge the mood of the market, monitor trends and seek out new opportunities.  But sometimes headlines hide what’s really happening at the street level.  That’s why it’s important to have people in place you can call to get the real scoop.  In this episode, we call on our man in Memphis, Terry Kerr, to help us determine if recent gloomy headlines really reflect the reality of that particular market.  What we discover is that experience, critical mass, local relationships and creativity not only compensate, but can actually help capitalize on the “problems” in any market.  In fact, once again, we find that most problems are really opportunities dressed in work clothes.The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter at