After Dark Nine, “Greg vs. The World”

The One Piece Podcast show

Summary: Greg has a mission...but it's still a secret mission! Last week we had a call-in show for people trying to stump Greg and he didn't do all that well. It's amazing how much you can learn in a week. This time, Greg's joined by Zach, Ed, and Jason, as we and our audience barrettes him with questions, including many supplied by the good folks at One Piece Wikia. It's an hour and a half of pure One Piece trivia. How many of the questions did you get? Check out the podcast on Monday for a new Manga Recap and a double Anime Recap, plus, hopefully, the results from what Greg is studying for. Cross your fingers! For more on what Greg is capable of, check out his website. You can download the AAC below, the MP3 will be out later on Saturday...we are MAJI!