WP Late Night #11: “Cowboy code it” with Jason Cohen

WP Late Night show

Summary: (http://wpcandy.com/files/2012/05/wplatenight-jasoncohen-teaser.png)Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and WPEngine joined the WP Late Night crew for episode number eleven. We discussed WordPress 3.4 RC1, nine years of WordPress, editing core files, and WordPress on mobile devices.This episode was sponsored by Obox Themes (http://www.obox-design.com/) and their Social Commerce (http://www.obox-design.com/fbcommerce.cfm) plugin. I recommend checking out their demo ((http://www.facebook.com/OboxThemes/app_356106537733222) for a quick idea of what Social Commerce can do for your site.* MP3 file (http://wpcandy.s3.amazonaws.com/wplatenight/WP-Late-Night-011-Cowboy-code-it.mp3) (20.9 MB) * Subscribe on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wp-late-night/id496147707) * Audio RSS Feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/wplatenight) * Watch on Spreecast (http://www.spreecast.com/events/wp-late-night-episode–11)Episode #11 Show Notes* WordPress is nine years old this week (http://wpcandy.com/reports/wordpress-is-nine-years-old) * The first version release of WordPress (http://wordpress.org/news/2003/05/wordpress-now-available/) * WordPress powering over 74 million websites (http://wordpress.com/stats/) * WPEngine is hiring (http://wpengine.catsone.com/careers/) * WordCamp Philly (http://2011.philly.wordcamp.org/) * WPEngine offers free hosting accounts to WordCamp attendees (http://wpcandy.com/reports/wpengine-gets-a-quirky-new-logo) * The unfortunate math behind consulting companies, by Jason Cohen (http://blog.asmartbear.com/consulting-company-accounting.html) * WordPress 3.4 Release Candidate 1 is available (http://wpcandy.com/reports/wordpress-3-4-release-candidate-1-is-available) * WordPress 3.4 development coverage on WPCandy (http://wpcandy.com/series-on/preparing-for-wordpress-3-4) * No more PHP closing tags in WordPress 3.4 (file:///Users/ryanimel/Dropbox/Documents/Archive/WP%20Late%20Night%20%2311.md) * Aaron Brazell’s top ten features coming to WordPress 3.4 (http://wpcandy.com/linked/10-things-about-wordpress-34) * DigWP.com suggests editing core files (http://digwp.com/2012/05/post-navigation-author-category/) * Every time you edit WordPress core god kills a kitten (http://codex.wordpress.org/images/b/b3/donthack.jpg) * Outside the /wp-admin box: Mullenweg on a radicaly simplified WordPress for mobile (http://wpcandy.com/reports/matt-mullenweg-on-radically-simplified-wordpress) * Sarah Lacy’s interview with Matt Mullenweg (http://wpcandy.com/linked/pandomonthly-fireside-chat-with-matt-mullenweg) * Mark Jaquith’s tweet about mobile apps as WordPress.com apps (http://twitter.com/markjaquith/status/206181093886533632) * WP App Store (http://wpappstore.com/) * Matt’s comment on WP App Store (http://ma.tt/2012/05/simpler/#comment-565141) * Jetpack (http://jetpack.me/) * Ryan’s pick: Plugins made just for the P2 WordPress theme (http://wpcandy.com/recommends/plugins-just-for-p2-theme) * Brad’s pick: Infinite WP (http://infinitewp.com/) and their tour (http://infinitewp.com/tour/) * Sucuri Security is hiring (http://sucuri.net/company/employment) * Webpagetest.org (http://www.webpagetest.org/) * @WebDevOnion’s tweet about the show (https://twitter.com/WebDevOnion/status/207994469667176448)