WP Late Night #15: “Pixels don’t matter”

WP Late Night show

Summary: (http://wpcandy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/wplatenight-tonyperez-teaser.png)Brad Williams was out this week since he's getting married and enjoying a bit of a vacation (congrats you two! (http://www.strangework.com/2012/06/25/im-married/)). Tony Perez was kind enough to join Dre and I for this week's episode of WP Late Night, and we had a great time.The WP Late Night crew is also looking for folks interested in partnering with the show. If you're interested in sponsoring WP Late Night, email .* MP3 file (http://wpcandy.s3.amazonaws.com/wplatenight/WP-Late-Night-015-Pixels-dont-matter.mp3) (27.2 MB) * Subscribe on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wp-late-night/id496147707) * Audio RSS Feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/wplatenight) * Watch on Spreecast (http://www.spreecast.com/events/wp-late-night-15)Episode 15 Show Notes* Tony’s blog post (http://tonyonsecurity.com/2012/06/24/installing-wordpress-via-terminal-and-securing-the-server/) * #askDre announcement (http://wpcandy.com/announces/send-security-questions-to-askdre) * Tuts+ Premium Account Security Compromised (http://notes.envato.com/general/tuts-premium-security/) (also the update (http://notes.envato.com/news/tuts-premium-security-update/)) * Whitehat webinar (file:///Users/ryanimel/Dropbox/Documents/Archive/WP%20Late%20Night%2015.txt) * WordPress 3.4.1 security release (http://wpcandy.com/reports/wordpress-3-4-1-security-release-available) * WordPress UI testing by Dave Martin (http://make.wordpress.org/ui/2012/06/22/hey-everyone-my-name-is-dave-martin/) (and here (http://make.wordpress.org/ui/2012/06/25/im-back-with-results-from-round-2-of/) and here (http://make.wordpress.org/ui/2012/06/27/its-summary-time-recap-weve-run-3-users/)) * WordCamp San Francisco 2012 (http://2012.sf.wordcamp.org/) * WordCamp Chicago (http://2012.chicago.wordcamp.org/) * WordCamp Reno (http://2012.reno.wordcamp.org/) * WordCamp Las Vegas (http://2012.vegas.wordcamp.org/) * WordCamp Sao Paulo (http://central.wordcamp.org/wordcamps/wordcamp-sao-paulo/) * WordCamp Grand Rapids (http://2012.grandrapids.wordcamp.org/) * bbPress 2.1 RC1 (http://wpcandy.com/reports/bbpress-2-1-release-candidate-1-ready) * Contribute to the WordPress for iOS app/design (http://dev.ios.wordpress.org/?p=331) * Tony’s pick: Download a video thumbnail and set as post thumbnail (http://wpforce.com/download-video-thumbnail-set-featured-image/) * Dre’s pick: Vote for Pixeljar (http://pixeljar.net/) * Ryan's pick: P2 Check In (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/p2-check-in/)Get involved in future shows We’ll be recording future shows live as well, so watch this blog for news about when to catch our recording. If you’d like to get in touch with the show for the mailbag, or anything else really, here’s how:* Leave a comment on this post, we’ll see it. * Shoot an email over to wplatenight@wpcandy.com (mailto:wplatenight@wpcandy.com). * Leave a voicemail for us at 815-322-WPLN. * Tweet about us using the #wplatenight hashtag.