WP Late Night #16 “Thingamatini”

WP Late Night show

Summary: (http://wpcandy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wplatenight-teaser.jpeg)Brad Williams, Dre Armeda and I rocked out another episode of WP Late Night this week: episode #16 forever dubbed Thingamatini. And you'll just have to listen to find out why we called it that.* MP3 file (http://wpcandy.s3.amazonaws.com/wplatenight/WP-Late-Night-016-Thingamatini.mp3) (35.7 MB) * Subscribe on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wp-late-night/id496147707) * Audio RSS Feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/wplatenight) * Watch on Spreecast (http://www.spreecast.com/events/wp-late-night-episode-16)Episode 16 Show Notes* Editorial: The IRL Fetish (http://thenewinquiry.com/essays/the-irl-fetish/) * $7,000 fine for sharing WordPress for Dummies on BitTorrent * Andrew Nacin promoted to Lead Developer on the project (http://make.wordpress.org/core/2012/07/11/recognition-and-news-about-the-3-5-cycle/) * Make.WordPress.org/UI (http://make.wordpress.org/ui/) * WPdevel is now Make.WordPress.org/Core (http://make.wordpress.org/ui/) * WordCamp Boston 2012 organizer page (http://2012.boston.wordcamp.org/organizers/) * WordCamp Columbus 2012 (http://2012.columbus.wordcamp.org/) * WordCamp Philly 2012 (http://2012.philly.wordcamp.org) * Twenty Twelve theme demo (http://twentytwelvedemo.wordpress.com/) * Akismet about to surpass AIO SEO as the number one plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/browse/popular/) * WordPress 2012 user and developer survey (http://wpsurvey.polldaddy.com/s/wp-2012) * Code Poet’s Locking Down WordPress with Brad Williams as a contributor! * Ryan’s Bar Trick: Add a preview button to the fullscreen editor in WordPress (http://alexking.org/blog/2012/07/06/wordpress-fullscreen-preview-button) * Dre’s Bar Trick: Plesk Vulnerability Leading to Malware (http://blog.sucuri.net/2012/06/plesk-vulnerability-leading-to-malware.html) * Brad's Bar Trick: WP All Import (http://www.wpallimport.com/) * Ryan's plugin: Simple Badges (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-badges/) * Open Badges project (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Badges)