#66 - HAML with a side of SASS

The Thirsty Developer - Podcast show

Summary: This week we are please to bring you an interview with Dan Nawara (@dnawara) a front end designer about the HAML and SASS technologies.  The first part of the interview was recorded at Bombacigno's J & C Inn in Chicago, IL; one of Dan’s favorite restaurants (until we got kicked out). Show notes Official HAML Site nHAML (.NET version of HAML) SASS (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) Tenplate (Dan’s framework) source code on Github The HAML Wikipedia page has an HTML / HAML Example Download / Listen to the Show http://shows.thirstydeveloper.com/TD066.mp3 Twitter Feed Thirsty Developer has a twitter feed, friend us at http://twitter.com/thirstyd