The Thirsty Developer 101: Oh JavaScript, My JavaScript

The Thirsty Developer - Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, Clark and Larry pull up a bar stool in Madison with Developer’s Steve Evans and Lance Larsen to discuss the latest tips, tools and guidance around using JavaScript in your application development. Show Notes Madison .NET Users Group JS Bin - an open source collaborative JavaScript debugging tool. JavaScript compacting tools: SquishIt, Minify IE9ify - jQuery Site Pinning plugin QUnit - JavaScript testing suite JSLint - JavaScript code quality tool JSMock - Mock Object library for JavaScript jQuery - JavaScript library xkcd - Exploits of a Mom ("Bobby Tables") Brandon Satrom's Blog Twitter: @davebost, @csell5, @larryclarkin, @thirstyd Download / Listen to the Show    Subscribe via Zune Marketplace | Subscribe via iTunes