The Thirsty Developer 103: Season 2 Pilot

The Thirsty Developer - Podcast show

Summary: After a long hiatus, the Thirsty Developer is back to kick off Season 2. In this episode, we introduce the listeners to a new member of the Thirsty Developer team, Adam Hoffman. Dave and Adam wax poetic about the old Commodore 64 days and learn about Adam’s role at Microsoft as well a hobby project of his – the Cloud Car (aka. Car-Puter). Hosts Dave Bost,, @davebost Adam Hoffman,, @stratospher_es Show Notes The Commodore 64 and our favorite peripherals Mike Benkovich’s Cloud Computer Soup to Nuts Webcasts Windows Azure for the ASP.NET Developer Series Project Detroit (“Microstang”) Clemens Vasters on the Azure Service Bus (Channel 9) Books: Back of the Napkin (Dan Roam), Understanding Comics (Scott McLoud) Picks of the Week Pluralsight Napkin Academy Download/Listen to the Show Subscribe via Zune Marketplace | Subscribe via iTunes