Favorite Moments from SHOT Show – SHOOT Signing

Julie Golob show

Summary: The National Shooting Sports Foundation's (NSSF) SHOT Show was simply HUGE. I fed off the energy the entire week and in my opinion, it was the best SHOT Show yet! When I started to jot down all my favorite moments from the show for a blog post, there were so many. Instead of one really long post, I am breaking it all down into mini posts over the next few days and even put together a podcast. Podcasting is definitely new ground for me but I put out some feelers last year and based on great feedback, I put together a little ten minute bit from the show. So if you enjoy podcasts, please click below and let me know what you think. JulieGPodcast - 2012 SHOT Show I covered this in the podcast, but one of the greatest moments for me was my book signing for Shoot: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition. Walking down the aisle on my way to the Rumpf Outdoor Titles booth for my first ever book signing, I was so nervous. All these thoughts were racing through my mind like... Would anyone be there? Will people like the book? Is it going to be well received? I wasn't able to recon and find the booth before the signing so I was worried about getting lost and being late. I was totally stressing! When I saw the booth and that there were actually people there waiting for me to arrive, I was just overwhelmed. In fact seeing everyone, having my dear friend Yamil Sued along with so many friends and supporters there, it was all I could do to not get all girly and weepy. Internally I was scolding myself, "you better not start tearing up in front of all these people!" It was so great to be able to connect with people about the book, talk with them about their shooting goals and answer questions. People introduced themselves from their Twitter and Facebook profiles. We chatted about different matches and getting new shooters involved and before I knew it, the hour flew by. I had three sessions scheduled over the first three days of the show and a big pile of books to sign thanks to Rumpf Outdoor Titles and Skyhorse Publishing. I can't tell you how incredible it felt to find out that we ran out of books, that it was that successful! People were so understanding too and I am very glad I thought to bring bookmarks to give away for those who weren't able to get a copy of the book. To everyone who stopped by, thank you SO MUCH for making it one of the most memorable moments of the show and my career!