Legislative Move To Stop Patent Trolls, And Thunderstorms That Threaten The Ozone Layer

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Mass Mailing Aims To Get Out The Vote: About 2 million people never received a ballot to vote in today's primary election. That's because they are not registered to vote. The state election office hopes to change that through a campaign to get people to register. Liz Jones explains how it will work. Legislative Move To Stop Patent Trolls: Critics say patent trolls exploit patent laws for profit. New legislation aims to stop that. We talk to the legislators behind the bill. Thunderstorms Threaten The Ozone Layer: Summer storms are rare in Seattle, but a few weeks ago our skies rumbled and lit up in full force. A recent study shows that thunder storms may be a threat to the ozone layer. When storms send water vapor miles into the stratosphere it could be setting off ozone–destroying chemicals. Could ozone damage get worse if global warming leads to more storms?