Running The Ropes 08-02-12 now archived


Summary: This week was full of some interesting news as the guys talk about everything including the latest on Charlie Sheen and Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho leaving the WWE (again), Billy Gunn and the WWE, and how the WWE can save the Divas Division…by bringing back Kelly Kelly.<br> The guys also talk about WWE Raw’s shenanigans with AJ as the new General Manager. CM Punk tried to make another statment to try and establish his heel status once again as Vickie Guerrero tries to dance. Find out why Brian was actually thankful for something on Raw finally!<br> TNA Impact made a great showing with more matches for the BFG series and more on the Aces and 8s. Brian breaks the show on by himself and gives his honest opinion on the episode.<br> Finally, Brian goes into the latest on the incident between Team Ambition and Adrenaline Pro Wrestling from Iowa. It’s a hot-button issue that not many sites are covering but we’re bringing it all this and more here on the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network, Running The Ropes! Also on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>