Elite Force Podcast – (8/6/12) – Just One of Those Days


Summary: The Band is Back as Walkie and Mindwipe<br> Returned to another Round as they<br> Look into What is Going on in The News<br> in the World of Sci-Fi<br> Stories covered this week:<br> .Jon M. Chu In ‘Masters Of The Universe’ Talks<br> .1st Catwoman slams Dark Knight franchise<br> (especially the costumes!)<br> .Bryan Singer Reveals Name For Next X-Men Film<br> .Third “Hobbit” Confirmed<br> .Also The Hosts Look at a E-mail From Listener<br> Chris Husk <br> E-mail Walkie and Mindwipe at<br> weekend@eliteforcepodcast.com<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/EFP_8612pod.png"></a><br>