From the Archives: Scott Corrales – Chupacabras and Other Mysteries

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: No guest last Sunday, so we present a gem from the archives. Many of you may be aware of my old show called The Hungry Ghost, which aired on pirate FM radio station KBLT from 1997 to 1999. On July 1st of 1998, I talked to hispanic researcher Scott Corrales, who had just published his book Chupacabras And Other Mysteries. Scott also wrote a few articles for my old magazine, so at that time I had already known him for a few years. We talked about the history of the chupacabras, and how sightings had spread in an almost rumorlike way throughout Latin American countries. Scott spoke on the history of strangeness in Puerto Rico, including a thing called the "Moca Vampire," which terrorized the countryside in the 1970s. We also discussed various theories about these goings-on and how the human mind might be connected to the paranormal. Graduating from a print 'zine in 2005, Scott now maintains the excellent site Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology. The recording begins with the show in progress. I had to convert the interview from a cassette tape and it is unfortunately not complete, but 99% of the show is here. At the pirate station, the interviews were often an hour or less. Listeners must also excuse the audio levels throughout the program, as I was both inexperienced as an engineer and using jerry-rigged equipment to boot.