Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: In today's show, we welcome from Brisbane, Australia, Pamela Wohlsen, who shares her remarkable testimony with us, telling of how she came to know the Lord in her youth and truly wanted to honour Him in her life. However, through various circumstances, she had stopped going to church. One year, a work friend gave her a gift for her birthday which became the start of a deeper journey into the occult. Pam shares first hand some of her experiences, but also of how the Lord reached in and lead her out of that place. There is much we can learn from Pamela's story, especially when we consider just how easy it was to get hooked into some of these practices. Pam also shares how the New Age thinking and spirituality is being, sometimes subtly, blended into to our Christian practices today - yoga, comtemplative prayer, labyrinths, etc. Many churches openly embrace and encourage these practices without looking at their spiritual source. We trust you will be blessed by Pamela's story as much as we were.