Mind Set Daily - April 4, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "What's Killing the Bees?" Honeybees die and that is nothing new and beekeepers accept this and on average 30% or more of their livestock will vanish each spring as well. But when more than half of all the honeybees in this country die almost at once -- that is new. And that's what happened this spring. So what is killing all the bees? Almost everything is. Unfortunately, there's little that anyone can do about it. Only by completely reworking agricultural practices can these insects possibly be saved. Until then, it's likely that their numbers will keep declining, which means bad news for farmers who need them to pollinate their crops. Find out what all the "BUZZ" is about by listening to this episode! Link:  What's Killing the Bees? Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate