Haste – Episode 24: with co-hosts Joanna Gaskell & Rob Hunt of Standard Action

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: Intro: "Prelude" ~ LukHash Outro: "Stande Alone" ~ LukHash Announcements Today we're joined by Joanna Gaskell and Rob Hunt of the very awesome, D&D inspired Standard Action web series. We take some time out to talk about the show and conduct a mini-interview. If you've not checked out standard action we highly suggest you do, they are currently raising funds to get their second season off the ground. So show them some love and they'll show you some right back! We'd also like to remind you that the d20Monkey caption contest is just begging to be captioned with all of your witty holiday-cheer infused charm. Topics Holiday Hiatus Guide Just an episode or two ago Micah and I discussed coping with the holiday hiatus that your game is going to inevitably go through. The Learning DM has a great article up on the topic with some really great bits of advice, so check it out. What are your holiday hiatus remedies and/or horror stories? Heroes of the Feywild is Here! We've mentioned it a while back but the book is finally here, it's all you need to inject a heavy dose of fey magic and a bit of whimsy into your 4e D&D campaign. I got the chance to interview author Steve Townshend about his work on the title, he shares some really great insight on the process involved in making these books as well as a lot of other great stuff about D&D, movies, edition wars and more. We discuss a bit about the book! Teach Your Kids To Game Week Recently, DriveThruRPG has started a tradition with "Teach Your Kids To Game Week" wherein they offer a bunch of kid-oriented RPG's at discount prices and encourage all of us far and wide to spread the hobby to younger generations. This is a very cool idea and is a great movement, we discuss in depth! Tip Corner Did you know you can get a RSS feed update for any campaign? Just click the orange RSS icon on the page! Twitter Question @Revengeanceful As a GM, what’s your best trick to pick up the pacing on a story? Listen to find out! PS: Here's that pic of Renaldo we promised!