Nation Radio - August 4, 2012

Oilersnation Nation Radio show

Summary: It's the August long weekend! Hockey may be on the back-burner for many, but that doesn't mean that Nation Radio is hurting for things to discuss. Host Allan Mitchell talks about the Oilers with Jason Gregor, the Canucks with Thomas Drance, the NHL in general with Eric T., the AHL with Jim Byers and the WHL with Guy Flaming, with a little soccer talk with Scott Francis Winder in acknowledgement of the fact that when the thermometer is pushing 30 degrees all the talk can't be about hockey. This is Nation Radio. Jason Gregor of OilersNation and The Jason Gregor Show joins Allan in the opening segment, and they talk about the Oilers' defence and what it might take for the team to add another reaguard. He and Allan go through the team's entire roster, looking at options all over and what might happen if there's an NHL lockout. Following Jason Gregor is Eric T of NHLNumbers and Broad Street Hockey. Eric has been tracking some fascinating things over the past season and goes into how much neutral zone play and how a team enters the zone matters to a club's bottom line performance. Thomas Drance shows up for Part 3; the CanucksArmy and Pass it to Bulis writer talks about advanced statistics and the Vancouver Canucks. Jim Byers, the voice of the Oklahoma City Barons, talks to Allan about the team's off-season additions and the opportunity for younger players to move up the lineup with some veteran subtractions. In Part 5, Guy Flaming of The Pipeline Show (and accompanying blog) joins Allan. Flaming does incredible work tracking junior hockey, and shines a spotlight on Curtis Lazar, Tristan Jarry and the rest of the Edmonton Oil Kings Scott Francis Winder closes the show with Allan, and he spotlights FC Edmonton, Ronald McDonald House Charity and a Guiness World Record video game marathon.  Full Show Catch the entire show!