Does The Flu Vaccine Really Work? | DRS-87

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we talk about the "Flu Epidemic" that is sweeping our country and wether or not the flu vaccine is effective. New's of the latest flu epidemic has been sweeping the headlines as of late. But is this really as big of a problem as the media is leading on? We are told to wash our hands and take the flu vaccine in order to avoid getting this horrible flu. However, there have been reports recently stating that the flu vaccine has little to no effect, but experts suggest we take it anyway. Dr. Rob goes into detail on how your immune system works naturally against a virus. He also talks about alternative ways to help avoid getting the flu without having to fall into relying completely on the flu vaccine. Referred Supplements: Vitamin A Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil EHB   In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss flu pandemic Discuss flu vaccine Discuss alternative methods in avoiding the flu What do you think? Do you rely on the flu vaccine every year? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook