1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 06/24/2011

1UP.com - 1UP Radio show

Summary: The end of an era! Sorta! We're moving to IGN offices next week, so this is the last episode in the "1UP Admiral's Club." In it, we talk about gaming's love of celebrations (specifically Sonic, Quake, and Bungie), Jeff Green's return to EA (via the rumored Popcap purchase), how Gaikai and Wal-Mart have a nifty demo system, Kinect ads and Halo Anniversary support, and the weird "celebrity" appearances in the Duke Nukem Forever multiplayer trailer. Plus, we chat about Shadows of the Damned and discuss a listener's query about the appropriateness of attacking NYC in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Finally, while there is no official sponsorship, you'll agree that this episode should have been endorsed by Cake Boss. Until the first podcast from the IGN office!