Mind Set Daily - April 2, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "Is Time Travel Real?" Few subjects in science evoke more emotion than time travel. Humankind's fascination with time travel dates back thousands of years. Although many people believe that time travel is strictly science fiction, it is not. Einstein's special theory of relativity, published in 1905, was the first to give scientific meaning to forward time travel. Einstein's special theory of relativity is the "gold standard" of theories, having withstood over 100 years of experimental verification. However, to date we have not been able to build a time machine to send larger objects, like humans, into the future. This Story discusses time travel to the future. Backward time travel, based on Einstein's general theory of relativity, is also a theoretical possibility, but presents even greater obstacles, including numerous time travel paradoxes. If time travel is possible where are time travelers where now in the past, present or future? Perhaps another timeline all together. Humankind's fascination with time travel dates back thousands of years and when were born in some ways we become time travelers. But the ability to alter, manipulate and travel through time forwards and backwards has long been the desire. But for what? cause If we truly want to alter a timeline I'd say there is no time like the present, just think about it... Find out about an acutal account of a time traveler and more by listening to this episode! Link: Is Time Travel Real? Story of John Titor Time Traveler Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate