Rookie Designer 109 – A Better Quality of Freelance Client

Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast show

Summary: Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 109 – A Better Quality of Freelance Client Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 109 – A Better Quality of Freelance Client When you start putting yourself out there and share your talents on a freelance basis, your going to come to understand what many before you have already… its HARD to find high quality clients. Its relatively easy to find clients who want you to work for next to nothing, get the work done yesterday and don’t appreciate the quality of your work, but this is not what we want. In this episode we’ll talk about some ways to make your journey into freelancing more successful and hopefully end up with clients that are willing to pay what your high quality of work is worth. Links from the show: Freelance Switch John Nack on Adobe In the Bullpen: Web Designer Depot Try GoToMeeting for 45 days! Visit to start your free trial today. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 109 – A Better Quality of Freelance Client Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 109 – A Better Quality of Freelance Client