Rookie Designer 114 – Research and Planning

Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast show

Summary: Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 114 – Research and Planning Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 114 – Research and Planning More life (and career) lessons from my work experience to you! We’ll discuss the lack of research and how it can foil your designs before they even get started, and some of the important information that you definitely want to pick up before you even start a project. We will also dive into the core values of Scrum and how those directly relate to a workflow that can help any designer to end up with the design result they are looking for. We’ll also touch on client relations and a state of mind that can help you relate to your clients and understand better what their goals are. Links from the show: boagworld Paul Boag – Getting your clients to say YES (3rd video down) In the Bullpen: I Love Typography Try GoToMeeting for 45 days! Visit to start your free trial today. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 114 – Research and Planning Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 114 – Research and Planning