The World and Everything in It - Mar 30 2013

The World and Everything In It show

Summary: Marriage on trial: SCOTUS recap, Cal Thomas, Indiana Supreme Court upholds school voucher program, North Dakota adopts nation's most protective abortion law, trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, career-ender for singer Michelle Shocked, marginalizing military chaplains opposed to homosexuality, medical researchers grow human organs, killer asteroids, John Stonestreet on Eric Metaxas CPAC speech, Cyprus financial crisis, markets and economy, Os Guinness on 'A Free People's Suicide,' Profile of Christian comedian Tim Hawkins, 'The Bible' miniseries, stories of conversion to Christ in Muslim lands, Easter edition of The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.