AVFM News and Activism: DONGLEGATE!

A Voice for Men show

Summary: Tonight on AVFM News and Activism:  DONGLEGATE!Tonight on AVFM News and Activism James and Bob just can’t help but join in on the fun that everyone is having over Donglegate, the controversy surrounding events at the PyCon Tech Conference earlier this moth where Andria Richards took a photo of two men making “offensive jokes” and twittered them leading to one of the men’s termination.  What happened next was almost unheard of in the professional work world until now- she got canned for making the issue public.  Since then there has been a furor in Men’s Rights circles as well as a flurry in the media concerning the appropriateness of off color remarks and the reaction to them.  James and Bob will not be left out and neither should you so join us for some fun.The show starts tonight, the 26th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM February 27th in London and 11:00 AM February 27th in Brisbane.