Having a Baby When You're HIV Positive

This Month in HIV show

Summary: Dramatic progress in HIV treatment over the past 10 years has completely changed our idea of what it means to be HIV positive. As the lives of HIVers grow longer and healthier, many of life's key experiences are back on the table. Since 75 percent of HIV-positive people are in their reproductive years, it's logical that one of those key experiences will be having a baby. Fortunately, in developed countries such as the United States, there are more reproductive choices today for HIV-positive people than ever before, although they may be hard to find. These choices mostly focus on mixed-status, heterosexual couples -- negative men with positive women, positive men with negative women. To talk with us about this new era of reproductive technology, we are pleased to feature three guests: an HIV fertility doctor and researcher, and two women -- one positive and one negative -- who are in mixed-status relationships and successfully had negative children using reproductive technologies.