Crystal Methamphetamine and HIV/AIDS

This Month in HIV show

Summary: Plenty of attention has been focused on the link between methamphetamine and growing HIV rates in some U.S. communities. However, meth use isn't just a problem because it's an HIV risk factor. Meth has also become a major issue among people who already have HIV. Research suggests a growing number of HIV-positive people in the United States are using or addicted to meth, particularly in the gay community. In terms of meth's effect on HIV and HIV medications, there are far more questions than answers at this point. However, meth use -- just like any other drug addiction -- can cause people to neglect their HIV medications and their general health, which could help drug resistance develop and accelerate HIV progression. So how do we, in the HIV community, begin to address the meth epidemic? What do we need to know? We brought together three people to help shed some light on this topic: a harm-reduction expert, a meth use counselor and a recovering meth addict.