Haste! Obsidian Portal Reforged, Victorian Slang, Inter-Party Strife, and More!

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 77 | Announcements Micah is on the latest episode of Role Players Public Radio with Ross Payton, talking about our Kickstarter and the general nature of Kickstarter in the RPG industry. RPPR won the Golden Ennie for best podcast last year and it’s a good podcast, so go check it out! Topics  Obsidian Portal Reforged Kickstarter! By the time you listen to this show, it may have already launched. We've got lots of backer levels lined up and a very special one for you listeners - the Hasted Ascendant! Run and grab that one as fast as you can, there's more levels of course including ones where you'll be able to beta test the new site and even come on the show as a co-host. There's lots more surprises coming too! UPDATE: The Kickstarter is live! Dictionary of Victorian Slang This book full of victorian slang was getting passed around online a lot last week, seems like an awesome resource for anyone who wants to spice up their campaign's dialogue. Especially for those running Steampunk, Planescape, or other genre's with victorian influence. Micah and I rattle off some of our favorite ones and you get to hear one of Micah's many silly voices. Inter-Party Strife, Is It Worth It? Some discussion on reddit has prompted us to talk about those times when inter-party dynamics are a little on the rough side. Some people say they really improve their games, making them the best, others disagree that it doesn't work out well. Should a party of RPG characters always be buddies? We discuss but we'd also love your thoughts in the comments! Tip Corner Back at the Hasted Ascendant level! We made that a special level just for Haste listeners, and we’re only mentioning it here. Once the KS goes live it will be there for anyone, but you’ll know the best value to grab and won’t have to think about it. Twitter Poll @TALlama asks: Our 4E campaign has been steadily turning into a parade of combats, no RP. How to bring it up with our DM and other players? Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |