Magical Equipment and Temple Furnishings

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 26th, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on Magical equipment and Temple furnishings. Our call in guest will be "The Rustee Wizzerd," who is in the process of painting his room dark blue (as all wizard's should). We will get down to brass tacks (we use 'um), and give you would-be magi the inside info on what you really need, and how to acquire and/or construct your magical tools. I know that this aspect of magick is intimidating for some, while being too important for others. Actually you can do it all without any of our fancy toys, but then High Magick is "The Art of Kings" and kings like to do things in grand style. I think there is something wonderfully quixotic about the middle class suburbanite locked inside his two-car garage in a flowing robe, waving an exotic wand over a smoking altar upon which glows a crystal orb, suspended like a lost world in the midst of endless (dark blue) night. But, before you head out for Home Depot, and Michael's Crafts, listen in and make a list of what you're going to need.