Evil, Evil Magick, and Evil Magicians

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday the 1st of September, 2011 the Hermetic Hour, host Poke Runyon, will present an hour long discussion on the nature of "evil," and the theory and practice of "Black Magick." We'll avoid popular "goth" role-playing, and steam-punk vampires, to get down to the real history, and actual practices of the black magicians and serious satanists (fortunately the role-players are in the majority). We'll make it very clear that summoning, and commanding Dark Powers by the Power of the Light, for worthwhile purposes, such as personal development, is not "Black Magick," and was not even thought of as "Black Magick, and no magicians made "pacts" with demons or the devil until the advent of the Faustian School in the 18th century. Actually Black Magick can be done in white robes, calling on Jesus, and the Archangel Michael. We'll discuss the oft-maligned Church of the Final Judgment (The Process) and the wide-spread obsession with authenticating H.P. Lovecraft's "Necronomicon." Some of what you hear may be disturbing, not because of what Black Magicians do -- but rather who they are, and why they do it. So tune in and we'll shed some Light on the Dark Realm.