Inside the Solar Lodge, Behind the Veil

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: This Thursday, May 17th, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. The Hermetic Hour will present a book review by host Poke Runyon of the newly released "Inside the Solar Lodge, Behind the Veil" by Frater Shiva. The Solar Lodge was the legendary psychedelic era magical group in the Los Angeles area that flourished from the mid-1960s until it was driven underground by a anti-occult witch hunt following a tragic fire at its desert commune near Blythe in 1969. Regardless of whatever criticisms could be made about The Solar Lodge -- and most were grossly exaggerated -- it was the most magically powerful, focused and cohesive magical organization since the early days of The Golden Dawn. The true story of its fascinating origin, development and eventual decline is finally told by the man who was the Solar Lodge's chief executive officer under the command of Thelemic Avatrix Jean Brayton. And who better to tell the story. Frater Shiva and his lady will call in during the second half of the show, and give us their personal views on the subject. -- So, if you really want to know about the magical revival in California, tune in and we'll lift the veil.