Savage Love Episode 295

Savage Lovecast show

Summary: <p class="p1">Naughty butt plug! Why must you fly out of my bottom?!</p> <p class="p2"></p> <p class="p1">A lesbian has a male best friend—her “dyke Mike.” But this gentleman has been sending her rambling missives of a highly sexual nature. Is it the pain medication he’s currently on, or does she need to tell him to keep his horny thoughts to himself?</p> <p class="p2"></p> <p class="p1">A woman begs the straight male population to please stop sending pictures of their penises.</p> <p class="p1"> </p> <p class="p1">And more!</p> <p class="p2"></p> <p class="p1">206-201-2720</p> <p class="p2"><i></i></p> <p class="p1"><i>Savage Lovecast</i> Live sold out? Not to worry. You can listen to it in an upcoming extra episode, and you can donate to Washington United for Marriage <a href=";track=interior_bigbutton"><span class="s1">HERE</span></a><span class="s2">.</span></p> <p class="p2"></p> <p class="p1">This podcast is brought to you by <a href=""><span class="s3"></span></a>. Go buy something and be sure to enter GGGJune at checkout.</p>