The Sacred and Guarded Text of Ancient Kemet

The Remix  show

Summary: Join MsBlue and Bro Reggie as Bro Reggie as Bro Reggie guides us on an incredible experiences frome his personal teachers- Dr. John H. Clarke, Prof. Edward Scobie, Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, Dr. Leonard Jeffries and Prof. James Small to open up doorways. For close to 30 years Bro Reggie has studied Kemet - Bro Reggie offers tonight the Mothers & Fathers of Light that Created the Creator that Created Life as written in the Souls of RE. Forget everything you think you know of Ancient Kemet and be guided by the Sacred and Gruarded text Bro Reggie will reveal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact MsBlue: question4blue ( @ ) gmail .com  KYM Oracle Cards: KYM Audio Workbook: