#123 : Roundtable #3

The Martin Bailey Photography Podcast (Enhanced) show

Summary: You can find Landon's 1/day/366 project photos and links to other work here: http://blog.landonmichaelson.com. There is also a feed for all MBP Member's that are doing a photo a day project, kindly created by Capn Scott here: http://onephotoperday.com/ Landon also plugged: http://www.radiopopper.com/ Wayne's MBP Gallery is here: http://www.mbpgalleries.com/index.php?cat=10013 Rick plugged the following site: http://www.strobist.com/ My plug, courtesy of Landon is the Web site for the International Crane Foundation, which I had mentioned: http://www.savingcranes.org/