Warcraft Less Traveled #44 – Goblin Amusement Park?

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode #44 Timecapsule: Deep under Ironforge, would you believe that the goblins have constructed a carnival and amusement park? Only today, do I feel comfortable enough to share one of these least seen destinations in Azeroth. The only access point down into this goblin amusement park is through a wild waterslide that starts in the Forelorn Cavern. If an explorer can access this magical Goblin World Amusement Park, the opportunity exists to win a Swift Zulian Tiger Mount and Epic Vulture Mount – simply by playing exciting carnival games! Crazy, you might say? Listen to today’s special, first of April episode to learn more about this unbelievable hidden destination… [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]