Warcraft Less Traveled #57 – Lake Dumont

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode #57 Timecapsule: Lake Dumont is a secret subzone hidden in the mountains of northern Feralas. Appearing only after the Cataclysm, explorers of this area will need a flying mount to get over the high mountain ridge to reach this valley. In the center of Lake Dumont, an unnamed island is found. A few of the mysterious features on the island include the burning ruins of a mage’s watchtower, a number of Feralas-style trees, a small hut, and a special grave marked with ‘IVAN’. The truly interesting part of Lake Dumont island are its NPC inhabitants. Twelve level 85 NPCs are seen on this island, each busy in activity. It appears that the NPCs are named after real-life employees of Blizzard games. For example, NPC draenei Jake Patton, works as a Blizzard editor; while Lich King production assistant Larissa Bussell is found here as a NPC worgen. Lake Dumont is another well crafted location that makes great use of the lonely areas between the various Azeroth zones. Lake Dumont Exploration Blog Sources: – Syrco Moonkin Blog- World of Warcraft Secrets: Lake Dumont, – Ironyca Stood In The Fire: Lake Dumont [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]