Warcraft Less Traveled #59 – Blizzcon 2011, Part 2

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode #59 Timecapsule: The journey continues in this second part of Skolnick’s travel to Blizzcon 2011. Companionship is discovered with friends from both factions: Hasteur and Apsana from the Alliance, Cow and OldScratch from the Horde. The quest to find the Grand Archmage Morhaime within the Blizzcon convention center was a difficult one. Inside the enormous Anaheim Convention Center, all explorers encounter a sensory overload. The Blizzcon event was incredible and breath-taking. However, does Skolnick finally meet Morheime? Or will he need to return next year to search out the famed paladin named Ghostcrawler? Be sure to listen to Joe and Kevin on the PowWoW Podcast , an outstanding World of Warcraft Podcast Author Richard A. Knaak has written excellent books for WoW, as well as other novels set in The Dragonrealm and the new Knight in Shadow Trilogy. His Warcraft novels ‘Stormrage’ and ‘Wolfheart’ are available in Audiobook format through Audible! [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]