Warcraft Less Traveled #61 – Newton’s Apple Tree and Nagrand Tomb

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode #61 Timecapsule: A pair of solitary destinations can be easily overlooked in the beautiful zone of Nagrand. High up on one of its floating islands, a lone apple tree and skeleton are often considered a “Blizzard tribute” to Sir Isaac Newton. Requiring a flying mount (found southwest of the Throne of Elements), the Newton Apple Tree was one of the last-discovered secret places in all of the Outlands. The Nagrand Tomb is a second scene that fills the WoW explorer with a sense of wonder. This tranquil location has no known backstory in the existing Warcraft lore, yet its remote location in the far western mountains will reward the visitor with a stunning view. [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]