Episode 20: The Live(ish) One

Stuff Smart People Like show

Summary: This week the fellows ditched the comfort of video conferencing for actual human interaction and all recorded in Dean’s living room. So live in person, but not streaming live. It’s kind of echo-y, but oh the fun that was had discussing Tebowing at graduation, movies, television, twitter feeds and Jordan’s qualifications for his PhD (show off).  Download the .Mp3 Links from this episode: Boy Denied Diploma After Tebowing IBM Shushes Siri Parody Twitter Accounts: @drunkhulk @TheTweetofGod @big_ben_clock @NotTildaSwinton This is a podcast post: click here to download the MP3 audio, click here to subscribe via iTunes, click here to visit our blog, and click here to show us some love. Have feedback or suggestions? Then click here (your mouse must be getting tired).