Orr, Liens & Snyder's vetting process; CPAC Review

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: On our Tuesday, March 19th show at 11AM sharp we'll discuss: *A story broke about Detroit's named EFM Kevyn Orr had over $16K worth of tax liens on his $1million dollar home. What happened to vetting the candidate?  *CPAC Conference is over. We'll discuss & anaylize speeches given at the event given by Palin,  Paul, Coulter and Cruz. *After convictions in the Steubenville, OH case is continuing the "internet justice" campaigns justified or not? Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Weekend Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan and National Politics, breaking news and more. Tune into I.U. Radio LIVE Weekday Political Talk on Tuesday's  & Thursday's from 11:00 AM-1:00PM EDT & call with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185.