Meeting The Farmer’s Daughter

Señoras del Leño show

Summary: I met The Farmer’s Daughter while climbing a frozen waterfall deep in the Alps this past winter. I was on my way up. She was on her way down. As we brushed by each other, we laughed and said hello. Sparks flew. So many sparks, in fact, that the waterfall melted and we both tumbled into a soft snow bank below. From there it was history. Okay, that was a lie. I met The Farmer’s Daughter while backpacking through Europe last summer. We both were staying at the same hostel. The owner of the hostel had kidnapped her and was about to torture her, but I busted on in there, rescued the pretty lady, and we made our escape. From there it was history. Okay, that was a lie. I met The Farmer’s Daughter while in Africa, volunteering at the relief hospitals for women and children who were victims of the bad crap going on over there. There was a serious blood shortage, so we both volunteered to give another pint of our own blood. We were laying on cots next to each other as they sucked what little blood we could still spare, and as we looked at each other our souls spoke loud and clear that we were meant to be. The rest was history. Okay, that was a lie. Here’s the real truth. I met the Farmer’s Daughter on… a farm. I needed a few extra bucks for the holidays, so I took on a job as a ranch hand. One of my jobs was helping her water the animals in between slinging hay bales and herding cattle. It started out a simple crush, but we quickly fell in love. From there, the rest was history. Okay, fine. That was a lie too. Here’s the real truth. We met online. But it is a romantic story. I swear. It may not involve near death experiences, heroics, or fantastic adventures, but it does involve weird circumstances. And weird circumstances count for something, right? GO TO PAGE 2 I had removed my profile many months earlier. I was done with online dating I had decided. I had no shortage of dating opportunities and there were plenty of irons in my fire, if you know what I mean. Plus, I just hadn’t had the best of luck on dating websites. She also had shut down her account some time before. For pretty much all the same reasons. Though, looking at her you’ll probably agree with me in my assumption that she had a lot more irons in the fire than I did. If you knew her you’d have no doubt. Anyway, I remember three days before I met her, I was sitting getting my hair cut by Tilly. We are always commiserating with each other about our dating lives. I told her, “I’m done with dating for a while. I’m officially on a dating fast until further notice.” And I meant it. I needed a break from it. Then, the very next day, I had this feeling I should reopen my account. I shook it off. That was weird, I thought as I put it into the filing cabinet of ignored thoughts. An hour later it hit me again, only harder. Again I ignored it. An hour later, it hit me super hard. Geez, okay, okay! I thought as I begrudgingly set my account back up. I knew Tilly would never let me live it down, but I had to listen to whatever was telling me to do it. And the very first girl I saw when I got back on was Sarah. The Farmer’s Daughter. And the moment I saw her profile picture, I just looked at it, and I knew she was someone that was going to be in my life. And I don’t know how I knew that, I just did. And so I emailed her. And I didn’t know what to say. So I just said, “you are beautiful. And I would be really stupid not to email you.” And I left it at that. And it didn’t surprise me at all that she responded. Or that we quickly setup our first date. Because, I just knew that she was going to be in my life somehow. And this is where it really gets weird. Or romantic. Depending on how you look at it. Shortly before I emailed her, she also had the feeling she should start her account back up. And I’m so glad she did. I don’t know how our paths ever would have crossed otherwise.